The Medium Merchant and Structural Mill (MMSM) is one of the modern rolling mills of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant.
This is a single strand continuous mill having production capacity of 10,70,000 tons per year. The important feature of this
mill is that Universal beams (both parallel and wide flange) have been rolled for the first time in India using Universal stands.
Parallel flange beams have an advantage over conventional beams because, for the same weight, the section is stronger and stiffer
due to greater moment of inertia and higher radius of gyration.
8 Stand Roughing Mill.
6 Stand Intermediate Mill.
6 Stand Finishing Mill.
Evaporating cooling systems in Rolling Mill furnaces.
Sophisticated, high speed rolling mills with computerized controls.
A Mill of 1.070 MT per annum.
Walking Beam Furnace 1 - Light Up - 22.11.1992.
Walking Beam Furnace 2 - Light Up - 24.12.1991.
Mill Inauguration - 28.03.1992